Sunday, November 18, 2012

A fun weekend project

     I thought I'd give you all a look at my latest "stash-buster" project. I have, as some of you know, a huge stash of fabric, in dozens of prints. Cottons, flannels, fleece, wool, felt, velvet, corduroy. You name it, I probably have it. Some of it I've had for years and years, moved in boxes from one home to another. Some I inherited from my mother. 
      Last weekend I rummaged through the stash and picked out three fabrics to make a baby quilt for the soon-to-be-born daughter of my nephew. I discovered an quick and easy, and yet adorable, quilt pattern on the internet, and I made the quilt and sent it off. 
      But once it was finished, I started looking at other things I could make using my stash and that quilt pattern. Several years ago, I purchased a cute border print fabric (see above) and used some of it to make aprons for my two granddaughters for Thanksgiving. (I think they worn them just long enough for pictures.) 
      I don't know what I was going to do with the rest of the material. I suppose I could have made yet another apron, or hemmed it and used it for a tablecloth. But yesterday I decided to use the motifs along the edge as squares for a table runner. I picked out two other fabrics, and started cutting. The brown is leftover from my grandson's dinosaur costume of two years ago, and the tiny acorn print is something I bought thinking it would make a cute blouse for fall. I've had it at least five years, so its chances of ever becoming a blouse were rapidly slipping away.
After cutting out the pieces, I put together all the smaller individual pieces, then pieced each block. I joined the blocks, then instead of using quilt batting, which would have made the runner too thick, I used a piece of leftover flannel. I backed the runner with the pumpkin print from the middle of the border fabric.

I think it turned out really cute! It's on my table right now. I have enough left over to make another one, but I'm currently working on a couple of Christmas presents. Maybe when I'm done with those, I'll make another. Might make a cute present, huh?

Oh, and I also made this: banana bread. I added a bit of orange peel and nutmeg, and since I didn't have walnuts, I used some sliced almonds from the freezer. Don't usually make banana bread (I don't really like it.) but I had the bananas, and I'm a firm believer in 'waste not, want not'. It will be good for slicing and toasting in the morning, especially with a little bit of butter or peanut butter.

So, that's what I did this weekend. How about you?

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