Monday, August 20, 2012

Two roads....

One of my favorite authors is Richard Bach, of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", "Illusions", "Bridge Across Forever". A few months back, I chanced across his website, and discovered that he is actively communicating with his fans and friends. There is a healthy dialogue going on, and lots of fantastic give and take of ideas.

I wrote the following in response to something he wrote, and I'm re-posting it here, just because I like it, and think it bears repeating. I hope you like it, too.

...Some of us walk the same path every day, so used to it our feet know every rock and rough patch, and mud puddle. And then, for some reason, maybe snow or ice or a new pair of shoes, we venture off the path, and we find a new way. Might get bogged down, stuck in a briar patch. Might find a field of tiny yellow flowers and decide to sit and enjoy the sunshine and have a cookie or two. No chocolate chip. Peanut butter, so the dogs can share. Might find a river too wide to cross, so we have to go back and try again. But we always keep trying. Sometimes we walk with a friend, sometimes we walk alone. The important thing is to realize that the path was there before we even put on our shoes, and it will be there long after we have found our way home.

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